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What's New :

Hits from the past from that dayton, ohio band:


"lost n space" by wil robinson vs Jesse & the plastic cats 


Jesse's WRJPC


NOW AVAILABLE AT AMOEBA RECORDS & ARON RECORDS in Hollywood. click above icon for a taste.


friends & bars slideshow






 1. you don't know anything

         2. can't you see?

                  3. jack is back

                           4. big dicks

                                    5. jon's dog song

                                             6. she yelled at me

                        13. jim's message

        14. the aftermath serenade

             15. sneaky reporter

                   16. KCC*


  7. ok stacey..

      8. sidewinder (original version)

           9. carla my dear

                10. palm rok koon

                     11. vanessa

                         12. don't let it happen again...




KCC was recorded on mini-cassette recorder during my employment at a convalescent center in 1993.*






Send mail to wilrobinson@u86news.com with questions or comments about this web site.
 All rights reserved for all documents, pictures, songs, and videos, unless otherwise noted.
Copyright © 2002 Fathead Minnow Productions
     12/14/2009 05:52:11 PM