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Gary Hall & the U86


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Hits from the past from that dayton, ohio band:


"lost n space" by wil robinson vs Jesse & the plastic cats 


Jesse's WRJPC


NOW AVAILABLE AT AMOEBA RECORDS & ARON RECORDS in Hollywood. click above icon for a taste.


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Gary Hall, 1953-2005

was pardoned by music, self taught by ear, these original works are his

only recordings. These songs were recorded during the fall of 2004 thru

the spring of 2005. The lyrics go straight to any heart, the melodies spark

and haunt. God bless his wife connie & his family.  Big D

 1. trappings of this world   (slide show) You need to download this file

      then "run" it. Then click on it 2xs to make it bigger.........

              2. misery loves company

                      3. rita' salon

                               4. back in tennessee

                                       5. intro into my fantasy

                                            6. what god would say

                                                  7. just don't give up on love

                                                       8. angelyne

                                                             9. i can't get up


C & P 2005 Gary/ Kanita Hall & Wil Robinson/ the U86. all rights reserved.  Photos and art by GH & WR. All music, melodies, and words were performed by GH & WR. All songs written by Gary Hall. Wil Robinson added his production and arrangement aspect to the music.


Gary Hall (Vocals, Whistler, & Guitar)

Wil Robinson aka the U86 (Guitars, Bass, Keys, Drums, etc. backing vocals on angelyne)


Recorded by the U86 & Produced by Wil Robinson & Fathead Minnow Productions in Hollywood, CA. Art was by GH.

Send mail to wilrobinson@u86news.com with questions or comments about this web site.
 All rights reserved for all documents, pictures, songs, and videos, unless otherwise noted.
Copyright © 2002 Fathead Minnow Productions
     12/14/2009 05:52:11 PM